Three Simple Self-care Tips

Self-Care – It’s so important to take of your health so you can not only take care of those you love, but also so that you can achieve all that you’ve got planned for yourself – whether it be in your career, in your business, or in your home. You can practice self care every single day and it doesn’t have to be over-the-top. Yes bubble baths, massages, facials and manicures are awesome! But they aren’t always practical and in some cases can be pricey!

So here are 3 simple ways you can show yourself some love on a daily basis:

1) Sleep: This is the best way to recharge. Need more energy to get through your day? This is first place to start! Figure out how much sleep is ideal for you. You may need anywhere from 7-9 hours a night.

2) Stretch: Whether it’s our repetitive daily activities (i.e. texting, and typing), workouts, or stress, we carry a lot of tension. Stretching helps us to relax and unwind and prevent injury. Quick tip: Aim to hold your stretches for 20 seconds to get the most benefit for your muscles.

3) Shower: Contrast Showers (Alternating Hot/Cold) are great for circulation, improving your cardiovascular health, and immune health. They are also invigorating and great for improving energy. Here’s how:

  • Start off your shower temperature with warm/hot water

  • Using a 3 to 1 ratio, turn the water to cold

    • If you did 3 mins of hot, do one min of cold

    • If you did 30 secs of hot, do 10 secs of cold

  • Goal: 3 – 5 alternations within one shower

  • ALWAYS end on cold!

    • Tip: Try progressing from cool to cold.

This isn’t easy at first, but it does get better! So don’t get discouraged!

For more energy, less stress and a more resilient immune system, have fun implementing these self-care tips!


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